Is your current shuttle provider not quite cutting it? Whether they’re always late picking up your employees for work in the morning or slow to adapt when schedules change for recurring events, it may be time to pick a new operator. When picking a new operator to handle your shuttle service, you’ll need to know exactly what you’re looking for to avoid having the same problems all over again.
a woman on a shuttle bus looking out the window

Here are a few tips that transportation experts at National Charter Bus suggest you prioritize while searching for a new shuttle provider:

1.   Widespread Coverage

Many shuttle services are organized from one preset destination to another. Though at times, you may need a shuttle to travel farther than normal for an event or special occasion. “Farther” could mean anything from a few additional blocks to traveling across state lines. Some companies may not have the bandwidth to accommodate transportation coverage for longer distances. If you regularly deviate from your normal shuttle schedule, it’s important to choose a provider who can go the extra mile if needed.

National Charter Bus offers exactly what’s implied by the name—national transportation coverage. Shuttle services can be organized between most major cities and even smaller towns with widespread coverage.

2.   Diverse and Large Fleet

One size doesn’t fit all with transportation. Some passengers may not need a shuttle with dozens of seats, while others will need multiple shuttles with 50+ seats each. Choose a shuttle provider with access to several types of charter bus or minibus for your needs. That way, you won’t be left with unnecessarily empty seats or have to pay for a vehicle that’s much too large. Having a bigger selection of buses will also ensure you have the opportunity to add shuttles to your service if your passenger count grows.

3.   Flexibility

Depending on your reason for needing a shuttle service, travel plans may change rapidly. Industries dealing with healthcare and crisis management need shuttle services that can adapt in a moment’s notice. Not every operator is able to accommodate last-minute changes, which can leave your travel group high and dry. Shuttle services like National Charter Bus with access to large fleets and a network of professional drivers can offer more flexible options.

4.   Values your time

Punctuality isn’t just a professional trait—it can show how much a shuttle provider values their passengers’ time. Before picking a shuttle provider, you’ll want to make sure their timeliness track record is as squeaky clean as possible. Browse over reviews to get a general idea of the shuttle provider’s services. If others are complaining about shuttles being late all the time, you may want to reconsider your pick.

National Charter Bus instructs all drivers to arrive at stops at least 10 to 15 minutes early. This will help keep your workday, special event, or trip around town on schedule.

5.   Solution-driven

Organizing the best transportation logistics should be a collaborative effort between you and your shuttle provider. Shuttle providers need to be able to listen to your travel needs and to customize solutions based on those unique requests. If you need help creating the best route and schedule, a good shuttle provider will create a plan for you.

On top of trip planning, shuttle providers should make suggestions to make a trip better for passengers. Are you booking a shuttle service for employees commuting to your office? National Charter Bus shuttles for office workers can come equipped with WiFi and power outlets for onboard work. Is your construction company in need of a shuttle service to work sites? Get a shuttle with reclining seats for workers to relax after a long day of hard work.

Booking a Shuttle Service Should Be Easy and Efficient

Whenever you’re ready choose a new shuttle provider, keep all these tips in mind while browsing different services. National Charter Bus can provide you with shuttle services for whatever your transportation needs may be. Call 1-844-755-0510 to organize short- and long-term shuttle services with a rental expert at any time.